December 6, 2010


I thought I would take a minute and share my thoughts on marketing and networking. We've all seen the internet marketers use Twitter and Facebook as marketing tools. I hate that. Sure social networking platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and others can be an effective way to reach thousands of potential clients very quickly, but is it really effective? The number one response I see from people concerning "Internet Marketing"  is how fast they un-friend or block internet marketers. The folks that use platforms like Twitter and Facebook only to sell stuff or advertise are missing the best part of the technology and losing valuable assets. The opportunity here is to build real relationships with real people. One thing is true when it comes to advertising...Word of mouth beats every other form of marketing for return on investment. The more people who know you are genuine and trustworthy the more clients you will have. But the opportunity is lost if you don't take the time to build the relationship.

In my view, building your business is a matter of building relationships. The hardest part of building a relationship with a client is building trust. And social networking is a great way to build trust...if you use it for what it is intended for and that is meeting new and interesting people. As you interact with friends and acquaintances on these platforms you have an opportunity to let people have a little insight into who you are... don't waste that opportunity on trying to sell them something. Instead build those relationships...genuine relationships...with real people who are on your side. There is NOTHING more annoying to a person than having his/her down time interrupted by someone trying to sell something. Don't be the guy who calls and interrupts dinner trying to sell some crap I don't need or want.

This approach may not  "Drive Massive Amounts of Traffic"...but who cares...I don't want massive amounts of people coming to my site...I want people who are interested in what I have to offer. My friends from Facebook or Twitter can pass on my information if they meet someone who needs my services...and I may even meet someone who needs my services himself...but that's not why I use those services...I use those services to meet people and build personal relationships...the rest takes care of itself.  Building a successful business online or off takes time...there are no short cuts.'s more fun to open up and get to know someone than to constantly look for ways to sell them something. I would rather sit on the computer for an hour or two talking to people who I enjoy talking to...debating subjects we all are interested in...and laughing/crying at situations that occur in daily life ...than spend 24/7 trying to sell someone something. Wouldn't you?

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